The GGI Planning Guide

The Go Green PlanningGuide is a free pdf you can download that will help you create a Go Green Team, and walk you through the step-by-step process of creating your own campus goals for “going green.”

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Why Kids Should Learn About Water, Energy and Food

In science class, kids are taught about the many systems of their bodies, for example: the nervous system, digestive system, and the skeletal system. It is important for them to understand how their bodies work so they can take good care of themselves. Likewise, it is also important for students to understand how the critical…

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Energy Apocalypse! What Would We Do Without Energy?!

Remember Hurricane Sandy, and how hard things were for people who were without energy for a long time? This video will help you consider how critical energy is in our lives, and why it so important to ensure our energy system does not fail. By the end of this video you will have a broader…

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1 Mom + the Go Green Initiative = #Amazing!

This is the story of how one mom ignited an entire campus, and inspired the teachers, students, custodians, and principal to “Go Green.” Using the easy step-by-step process outlined in the Planning Guide on, she created a “culture of conservation” on her kids’ campus!

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