September 13, 2023 | In District Services, Recycling and Waste, Resources, Sustainability
Our Free Resources for Waste Success at School
Available now! Access our complete toolkit:

Last month, our staff joined K-12 panelists at the California Resources Recovery Association Conference to share the Go Green Initiative’s model and tools for achieving measurable success with waste at school.
In California, schools are subject to comply with SB 1383–a climate law that targets waste-related greenhouse gas emissions.
We’ve supported school districts across the country to build the operational and social infrastructure they need to achieve their waste reduction and diversion goals and now, we’ve distilled our model into a toolkit of customizable resources.

Our waste program tools are hosted on one easily accessible hub. Contents can be downloaded or copied and customized, including:
- Communications Plans
- Project Timelines
- Waste Tracking Guidance
- Teacher Resources
- Green Team Training Materials
- Tools for Facilities & Nutrition Services
Reducing waste at school requires all hands on deck. Whether you’re in a classroom, district office, or third party organization, we hope you’ll take these resources to your school community and make them your own!