Need a New Podcast? Tune In To Go Green Radio!
While GGI focuses on green schools we know that people tend to get curious about the larger umbrella of sustainability and the Go Green Radio is the perfect outlet for that!
Jill Buck, GGI CEO and Go Green Radio host explains,
As passionate as I am about K-12 issues, I can’t contain my sustainability curiosity to only those things, and I’m 100% sure I’m not alone.
What is the Go Green Radio?!
This podcast delves into ways individuals can treat our planet in order to leave it better for generations to come. As the world population continues to grow at a rapid pace, resources become finite and unless we change our behavioral patterns future generations will have a lower standard of living than we do now.
More about Jill
Jill hosts Go Green Radio every Friday at 9am PST. She discusses a variety of topics from Geothermal Helping to Achieve Clean Power and most recently, Helping People Thrive in a Food Desert.
Featuring multiple guests throughout the show, Jill and the Go Green Radio hope to spread awareness and information about the behavioral shift required to keep our planet sustainable.
Shows With GGI Connection
It is not uncommon for me to bring seemingly unrelated topics back to kids, schools or young adults during the shows. – Jill Buck, host
Here are a few shows that highlight the work of GGI partners and district clients:
- Environmental Equity: Closing the Opportunity Gap in Urban Schools
- An episode with the book’s author that discusses ways to develop healthy learning environments and high-quality school buildings – both of which are key to academic achievement!
- Encore Newark NJ, Public Schools: A Case Study of Sustainability
- An episode featuring Rodney Williams, Director of Energy and Sustainability for the Newark public school district, that discusses the path of sustainability public schools in Newark took and how they can be replicated
- Camden City School District: Sustainability-Minded School Meals
- An episode with Senior Director of School Nutrition for the Camden City School District, Arlethia Brown where she discusses sustainable and healthy foods she and her staff serve to children in Camden, NJ
To check more previous shows click here and tune in weekly: Fridays @ 9am PST to learn more!