Staff Get-To-Know You: Jill Buck!

We want to highlight our amazing staff in our new get-to-know-you series! Let’s start with Jill Buck, GGI’s founder and CEO! Jill founded the Go Green Initiative in 2002 and has since worked along side its board members to provide sustainability opportunities to school districts around the country. Why Environmentalism and Why GGI? Jill decided…

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Tools for Schools: Guides from the EPA for Good Indoor Air Quality

Why is indoor air quality (IAQ) so important in a school? Good indoor air quality promotes positive outcomes such as: Lower cases of colds & flu Less asthma attacks, allergies, headaches, & fatigue Increased cognitive function, leading to student learning & achievement Read our book, Environmental Equity: Closing the Opportunity Gap in Urban Schools for…

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Green Schools Conference: In Case You Missed It!

The Center for Green Schools hosted their 12th annual Green Schools Conference (GSC) recently and here is a recap in case you missed it! The conference included 3 days of presentations and workshops that did a deep dive into sustainability topics where attendees are able to pick a track that most closely aligns with their…

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Need a New Podcast? Tune In To Go Green Radio!

While GGI focuses on green schools we know that people tend to get curious about the larger umbrella of sustainability and the Go Green Radio is the perfect outlet for that! Jill Buck, GGI CEO and Go Green Radio host explains, As passionate as I am about K-12 issues, I can’t contain my sustainability curiosity…

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Upcoming Event: Green Schools Conference February 27 – March 1!

The annual Green Schools Conference (GSC) is NEXT WEEK and here’s what you need to know! GGI CEO Jill Buck will be presenting at the conference with guest panelists Rodney Williams (Newark Public Schools) and Wayles Wilson (formerly of Camden City School District) They will discuss: Strategies for planning and executing green initiatives at the…

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Community Education Series: Green Learning Brought to Pleasanton!

What is the Pleasanton Community Education Series?! The City of Pleasanton provides opportunities for their community to become involved in city matters through the education series. Pleasantonians are able to register for various workshops that range from arts to STEM and everything in between! GGI has partnered with the City of Pleasanton to present a…

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Teacher Mini Grants: Outstanding Teachers that Bring Climate Literacy to Classrooms

What are Teacher Mini Grants? GGI began Teacher Mini Grants in collaboration with Pleasanton Unified School District. These awards celebrate and incentivize teachers who incorporate sustainability or environment literacy in their classroom. So far this school year, we’ve funded 17 teacher grant applicants and look forward to granting 50+ additional awards in the district. Here are…

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A Deep Dive: The Local Leaders of the 21st Century©

What is the Local Leaders Club?  The Go Green Initiative’s Local Leaders of the 21st Century© program is a network of high school extracurricular clubs dedicated to advancing sustainability in their schools and communities. With GGI guidance and mentorship, Local Leaders take action in community engagement, public policy, and advocacy leadership to address global environmental issues on…

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2022 CUBE Conference, District Green Teams, and Student Leadership: The Haps at the GGI

GGI CEO, Jill Buck recently attended the 2022 CUBE conference with an expert panel to discuss school sustainability. From District Green Teams to student leadership, they discussed long-term solutions for issues such as environmental toxins and consumption of natural resources.    Here is a snapshot of the discussion (click here to watch online!): District Green Teams The role…

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Air Quality: Funding, Improvements, and Environmental Equity

The Center for Green Schools (CGS) recently published a report of how school districts across the country plan to invest American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funds (ARP-ESSER or ESSER III) to manage air quality and upgrade facilities.   The Study  The Center for Green Schools looked at district planned investments for 4 categories:  …

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